Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Update

Saw the doctor yesterday and here are the stats...
We are still pregnant :)

We are dialated to a 1, but could walk around for at least another two weeks with little to no prgression. (However, I didn't dialate with Daniel until after they induced there is hope)
We are 70% efaced
We are having lots of contractions, but nothing exciting enough to go to the hospital or at least not yet.
Baby weighs approximately 7lbs and the doctor says she has the potential to gain at least another pound or two before she arrives... (I guess Dave and I only know how to create big babies)

My's hot, it's hot, it's hot and the baby knows it so she is okay staying in the womb as long as she can where it is the perfect temperature!


Jamee said...

Love the new cute! Yes, please keep us updated on how you are progressing. It was so fun to see you and Daniel...Thanks for making the effort. Love you!

Mandi said...

Keep us posted on how your doing. I am so excited for you. I love your new background. It was fun to see you at your shower..

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

JUDEE!!! I hope you read your comments! I left you another one, but haven't heard from ya! I'm glad to see you're doing well!